Friday, October 23, 2009

It's coming

No, I don't mean the baby.
I mean, yes, the baby is coming. And yes, to answer the 24 people who ask a day, I AM in fact excited that the baby is coming. I mean, how could you not want to meet the little person who makes daily routines out of kicking you in the gut? And you love them for it?

I am talking about the birth. The birth is coming. That which strikes fear into the heartiest of women. And I am afraid.

But I'm a little excited too. It's a new feeling. It makes me feel a little crazy, like before spinning fire or something, how something so dangerous can be exciting too. I'm sure multitudes more of fear will grip my heart as it gets closer, but for now, I am embracing the idea of the upcoming opportunity to find out exactly what kind of person I am. Hypnobirthing cds may be giving me false confidence here... but what other confidence is there in this situation? 

I even look forward to the post I will get to write when I can laugh at myself for even possibly thinking it could be something to look forward to... because by then I will know so much more about life. I've always been a glutton for punishment.

Bring it birth process! (oh, no... maybe I'm too scared...)
It's a fine tightrope we walk.

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