Sunday, November 23, 2008

100 things in the world i love

1. corduroy overalls
2. beards
3. butterfly rings
4. gerber daisies
5. Mom’s homemade rolls
6. very large rocks
7. costumes
8. dance class
9. a good book
10. chapstick
11. acoustic guitar
12. strawberries
13. faux fur
14. scrabble
15. baseball on tv
16. thrift stores
17. painting
18. typing
19. purple
20. striped socks
21. furry socks
22. ouiji boards
23. campfires
24. new shoes
25. yoga
26. hot chocolate
27. collages
28. good beer
29. breakdancers
30. snow angels
31. finishing
32. excel
33. record players
34. sunshine
35. rivers
36. eyeliner
37. babies
38. gymnasium smell
39. french braiding
40. quilts
41. movies
42. wigs
43. hula hoops
44. chaise lounges
45. faces
46. high boots
47. bubble baths
48. mix tapes
49. catamarans
50. road trips
51. incense
52. crab feasts
53. pools
54. fairs
55. musicals
56. feathers
57. jungle gyms
58. gel pens
59. squeezie balls
60. mouthwash
61. kitties
62. q-tips
63. sunsets
64. cornbread
65. ziplock bags
66. top 40
67. hotel rooms
68. moon circles
69. buddah beads
70. someone else’s perfume
71. cranium
72. today
73. spinning
74. pad thai
75. bedazzled game
76. soduku
77. sleeping in the car
78. softball games
79. pubs
80. karaoke
81. fondue pots
82. extension cords
83. christmas lights
84. patchouli
85. conversations
86. patent leather shoes
87. sunglasses
88. tutus
89. tire swings
90. marble notebooks
91. lanterns
92. parasols
93. loofahs
94. crying
95. the sun
96. laughing
97. acrobats
98. silly sting
99. moms
100. love