Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Trying to make it fun.

So I had a small epiphany today about... well, the dreaded work project. Let's call it Project X. It has still been giving me a terrible time, it basically panics me every time I think about it and makes my days tough. But today I was... well, even more wired than usual, I was doing a photo shoot and trying to get 50 more actors to come in AND dealing with trying to launch a part of Project X by Friday. So I was literally running around like a chicken with my head cut off. But this made me kind of silly, and so when I came up to people asking them for pieces of Project X, I was being really silly and saying things like "OH my gosh our favorite project! Can you even stop dreaming about it, it's so fabulous??? Do you tell your husband about it when you go home it's so great?"

And by the end of the day, a couple of co-workers were so amused that they said they couldn't wait to work on it more tomorrow with me!

And I guess I shouldn't have to do that, but it made everything so much more bearable! Lightened the whole feeling of it in my mind.

So I am going to keep trying to make it fun.
I'll keep you posted.
I know you JUST CAN'T WAIT!!!!! :-)

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