Thursday, February 28, 2008

All Safety All the TIME!

So I'm dubbing this my safety week. On Sunday we have our first "lighting up ceremony" from the fire dancing class that I've been taking. So we had a fire safety class... or should I say a "scare you half to death that fire is going to eat your face!" class. I am a little scared. And a little excited at the same time! I know all of the guidelines and I feel very comfortable spinning, so I think I'll be ok and I'm thrilled to try something new. If I like it, I am going to be an incredible responsible fire dancer with all the proper gear (fire extinguisher, first aid kit, etc.), and if I don't, well I can just keep spinning with my light toys!

AND I decided to take a CPR certification course this week! On Saturday. I have always wanted to do it, and since I've been teaching the sculpt class and want to teach spinning too, I figured it's a good thing to have. I'm excited!

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