Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Spirit Dancing

So it's raining like crazy today. Like POURING when I leave the office after a fairly stressful afternoon. Got home at 6:15 a little irritated, and yoga is at 6:30... could stay at home or could just barely make it... these are always the best times to go and I'm so glad that I did! For some reason, from the moment I stepped into Your Neighborhood Studio I couldn't even keep the grin off my face! I do so love being around wonderful people and moving my body. Anyway, class was wonderful with sub Jay Co., whose Sat class I adore, and I felt great. At the end of it, as we were starting savasana after only an hour (I usually do an hour and a half class but Wed nights are shorter), I thought I would fail miserably. Yes, although I do realize that failing miserably at a pose that is named corpse pose because you literally have to do NOTHING like you are dead may seem strange, but the idea is to quiet your mind and I knew I was still really awake and alive. So I laid there for a minute, trying to think of nothing but instead returning mentally to last night's fire spinning class (more on that in a min!). So I'm twirling in my mind while laying there... but wouldn't you know it, I start feeling really crazily intense inside, like my spirit is just lifting out of my body. Seriously. I mean, I know it's very meditation guru granola-y, but I really felt like I was lifting out and my body remained. I've only experienced this one time before at the end of a yoga class about 4 years ago, but never gotten back. And that time too, I realized that my spirit self was totally dancing. Like ballet-y, incredibly expressive dancing (specifically pas de chats for any dance geeks out there). It is really an amazing experience. For whatever reason, I feel like I know officially that my spirit is a dancer. I need a stamp or something.

So... I guess obviously you can tell that I also enjoyed my first fire spinning class last night. It was awesome. We don't spin real fire until our 12th class, just these sandbag things on strings. I didn't know how I'd take to it, because I had tried before at BurningMan with other people teaching me and I didn't get it. But the girls of Fire Groove were great and I picked it up right away and was jamming out!!! I can't wait to learn more and more and make it into my own unique... well... spirit dance.

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